Susan Whyte

Having been involved in youth ministry in various guises for over 40 years in the USA and Scotland, the value of an excellent summer activities camp experience is imbedded deeply in my life. These eXperiences as a child were formative in my faith journey and awareness of a bigger community of faith. I have been involved with SU camps on several occasions through the years, as a volunteer and now as the Team Lead for eXp-eXperiencing faith on Cowal I am privileged to oversee designing and leading our summer camp eXperience. We have an amazing group of volunteers who return each year to help run camp. They have fun assuring that it a safe, inclusive, and fun eXperience for every young person who attends.
I am married to Gordon - maths teacher and musician extraordinaire , mother of three amazing children, grandmother of two brilliant grandchildren. My enjoyment comes from music, ceilidh dancing, cooking & food, outdoor activities, being creative, reading a good book, tea and helping others to worship and grow stronger in their faith journey.