More Info
Find out how to make a booking and get more information about our bursaries
- View our brochure or watch our advert
- Find out all you need to know about the SU Holidays Team
- Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions and our Terms & Conditions
- Find out more about the ministry of SU Scotland.

How To Book
The easiest way to book a holiday is on this website. However we have other options that might suit you better. Find out here.

We don't want any young person to be unable to come on one of our holidays due to a lack of funding so find out about how our bursaries could help here.

Promoting SU Holidays
Here you can watch our advert and view our brochure. Can you help us spread the word about SU Holidays?

Our Team
Find out all about the SU Holidays staff and each of our Team Leaders. We are a real fun bunch!

Got a question? It is more than likely that someone has asked us the same question before. Here are answers to the most common questions that people ask us here at SU Holidays.

About SU Scotland
SU Holidays is part of the Scripture Union Scotland family. Find out more about how SU Scotland reaches the children and young people of Scotland.

Our Friends
We've got lots of great friends who help us deliver SU Holidays, as well as other organisations who are doing some really exciting work.